
Joke for the page:  What is a chemist's favorite kind of tree?

2017-18 Chemistry Syllabus

Homework Help & Guidelines

2017-18 Formal Lab Report Guide updated 2/14/18

2017 Formal Lab Report Rubric

2017 Test Corrections Instructions

Math format.

Show your work.
1) Copy the problem.
2) Write down all conversion factors that are needed.
3) Solve the problem using the lines from the paper as the fraction bars.
4) Circle the answer.
5) Skip spaces.

Repetition helps the chemical reactions of brain cells remember information. Writing big and in a specific format helps teachers grade easier...happy teachers are more apt to give students the benefit of the doubt!  Thank you!

Always show work and units!!

Scientific Article Example - A scientific article I wrote in graduate school.  While a little different then a formal lab report, many details are similar.  The idea behind a scientific paper and a lab report is to accurately and succinctly explain what you did, why you did it, how you did it, what happened and why it's important.  And the paper should enable anyone to perform the same experiment and get the same results.

Answer: A chemistree. 😁 

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